Sunday, June 7, 2020

"I Am a RAINBOW" by Dolly Parton

Celebrate the colorful variety of feelings we all share.

"I Am a Rainbow" is a beautiful book to teach young readers feelings, how we feel the ways that we do, and how to manage those FEELINGS.

The author's main focus was to guide little readers on how to utilize their TRUE colors; with a beautiful outline, great font and easy to read and understood contents, each page displays the beautiful color of the RAINBOW, and colorful smiling clouds that most kids will find irresistible. 

"Colors make up our whole world, Everything we say and do. But did you know each boy and girl Is made of colors too?" 

Just as the colors of the rainbow, the author represents major feelings that kids can get with each colors of the rainbow in a FUN, illustrative and relatable manner, and rhyming words. 

This book does not only teach feelings, it gives practical approaches to managing them:  Encouraging kids that everyone has feelings too, and they can filter their feelings through LOVE and still get along. If you have been having a hard time in letting your child know that however they feel is not always up to them, but rather how they act is what matters -  this book is one of the good books to teach that, and the message will be well understood , and FUN to know. 

"It's nature's way- these colors you show. So simply say...... I am a RAINBOW!"

I will give this book 5 stars.
I don't have any issue with the book. Dolly did a great job. And you should get this book in your shelf!

What is your favorite color?

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